As More Compass Layoffs Loom, Read the Story of One Laid-Off Worker.

 1 year ago
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More Compass layoffs are coming. Read the story of one worker laid off in the last round: 'The whole process was so lacking in emotion'

5 hours ago
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A woman in blurry focus walks through a Compass real estate office.

A woman in a Compass office. Compass

  • Compass employee laid off 10% of its workforce in June. One worker shared their story.
  • The real-estate brokerage is planning another round of layoffs, to occur by the end of September.
  • Here's the story of one worker affected in the first round, as told to reporter Zoe Rosenberg.
  • This is an opinion essay. The thoughts expressed are those of the source.


This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with a former Compass employee who was affected by the job cuts that the real-estate brokerage announced on June 14.

In August, a leaked internal email from Compass CEO Robert Reffkin confirmed that more layoffs are coming before October. Both rounds of layoffs are part of a major cost-cutting push in order to turn profitable for the first time.

The former employee affected in the first round spoke on the condition of anonymity to protect their career, but Insider has verified their identity and former employment. The conversation has been edited for length and clarity.

There were some indicators in which you could read between the lines about the coming layoffs. CEO Robert Reffkin would ordinarily send out a weekly email on Monday. It would start out the week with what he had previously discussed with agents that are our first-line customers. He would echo that conversation and reiterate how that impacted us as the employees of Compass, and it would kind of drive the week's iterations.

But when he did not send out an email on Monday, and everyone was aware of the market turn, there were some inclinations that there was potentially bad news coming.

The whole process was so lacking in emotion

He sent an email out on Tuesday that said something to the effect of "We are not immune to the impact from the market change. And we've, unfortunately, had to make a pretty tough decision, which is going to be that we've elected to let go of a certain percentage of our staff." 

He described how if you received a 15-minute calendar invite in the next hour, then you were impacted by this decision. And then you'll meet with your direct leader or your team's leader in that session and learn more about how you're impacted and what the path forward is going to be. I got a 15-minute invite with my team's leader towards the end of the day, about 15 minutes after Robert's email. 

I met with my leader, and basically it was a scripted conversation. That was a little frustrating for me, that it was so impersonal. The whole process was so lacking in emotion or empathy or sympathy. 

My leader basically said, "Hey, effective today your work relationship with Compass has ended. Your contractual obligations to us end this coming Friday. About 30 minutes after this meeting, all of your access to our services and our servers will be rescinded." 

There was some effort to try and help those associates who were affected through a continuation of Cobra and an offer of a month's salary as severance. But in terms of the work that we're doing day-to-day, I had about 30 minutes after that meeting to try and figure out if I cared enough to send it out to anybody else, or just say, "Hey, you gave me a few hours to realize that I was being laid off, so I have little to no reason to try and make sure this project still survives."

A Band-Aid maneuver

I've been through size reductions in organizations in the past. I think the communication behind this process could have been better. I think that the impact on the organization wasn't properly assessed, based on how they chose to go about this process. I think that the assumption was this is going to be a Band-Aid maneuver. And so they're going to perform this and then quickly move on with their operation and try to be lean and more efficient following it. 

But I think that, in reality, there was a lack of assessment to understand that there's some significant social and psychological impacts that come from this process, especially if it's handled this way. 

This is my first foray into startups, and this is my first instance of a company that has IPOd within around the past year. My lingering thought is that whatever the impacts of the IPO and the impacts of our rapid expansion across the country, the impacts of the market on our futures — is just that those impacts didn't seem to be handled appropriately, or in the best manner for the associates' longevity with the company. 

I heard of and know of leaders at the company who were shocked by the rapidity of the message. And so they ended up having to clear their calendar for the next couple of days, not only to discuss this with those who are affected and deliver the message to them, but also have conversations with those who were not affected. And regarding the associates that are still there at Compass, the leaders are struggling right now to make sure that they still feel like the organization has their best interests at heart. 

A Compass spokesperson declined to comment.

If you were laid off by Compass on June 14 and want to share your story, contact this reporter via email at [email protected].

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