Who Leaked the Uber Files? It's Uber’s Former Chief Lobbyist Mark MacGann

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/who-leaked-the-uber-files-its-ubers-former-chief-lobbyist-mark-macgann/
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Who Leaked the Uber Files? It’s Uber’s Former Chief Lobbyist Mark MacGann

One day after an explosion of reports sourced from a massive “Uber Files” leak containing thousands of documents and messages between top executives, Mark MacGann, the company’s former chief of policy in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) has come forward as the source.

MacGann left Uber late in 2016 under what seemed to be good terms, although The Guardian notes he recently reached a settlement with the company in a dispute relating to his pay.

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