App developers in India may soon get a grievance redressal mechanism for GoogleP...

 1 year ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/app-developers-in-india-may-soon-get-a-grievance-redressal-mechanism-for-googleplay-apples-app-store/
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NBW News App developers in India may soon get a grievance redressal mechanism for GooglePlay & Apple’s App Store


App developers in India may soon get a grievance redressal mechanism for GooglePlay & Apple’s App Store

  • Indian app developers say their apps are sometimes taken down with no
    grievance redressal
  • Grievances will have to be addressed in a stipulated timeframe or it’ll be
    sent to an appellate body
  • MEITY working on guidelines to ensure both developers & users of apps
    have a grievance redressal mechanism
  • Guidelines likely to call for a chief compliance officer & grievance redressal officer
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