solidity | solidity 大小写

 1 year ago
source link: https://benpaodewoniu.github.io/2022/07/12/solidity47/
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solidity | solidity 大小写

这里针对 solidity 的大小写进行比较。

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
interface functionContract {

function token0() external view returns (address);
function token1() external view returns (address);

contract FlashSwap {

function checkToken1(address _pair,address token) public view returns(bool){
return token == functionContract(_pair).token0();

这里针对各种 dextoken0 的比较。


  • 0x3d6545b08693daE087E957cb1180ee38B9e3c25E
  • 0x3d6545b08693dae087e957cb1180ee38b9e3c25e


  • 0X3D6545B08693DAE087E957CB1180EE38B9E3C25E

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