iOS 16 beta preview: A fun, useful and promising update

 1 year ago
source link: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ios-16-beta-preview-lock-screen-undo-edit-message-stickers-how-to-204947822.html
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iOS 16 beta preview: A fun, useful and promising update

Cherlynn Low
·Deputy Editor, Reviews
Wed, July 13, 2022, 5:49 AM·10 min read
Cherlynn Low / Engadget

The iOS 16 public beta is here, which means you can get a taste of Apple’s upcoming mobile software before its stable release. As we saw at WWDC in June, the iPhone is slated to get a whole new lock screen, edit and send options in iMessage, improved dictation, a Medication tracker, new sharing features and more. iOS 16 is shaping up to be a beefier update than years past, and you might (understandably) be itching to test it out.

As always, I have to remind you that installing any beta software comes with risks. Some of your favorite apps might stop working, or worse, your phone might be completely bricked. If you’re still set on running the beta, please make sure to back up your data. You can access the preview by enrolling on Apple’s website, which will push a download option to your phone’s Software Update section.

Just as with the iOS 15 public beta last year, basically all the features announced at WWDC are ready for testing. The only things missing would require developers to make some changes, like integrating an API for the new live activity update box on the lock screen. And the redesigned CarPlay, won’t be available until next year. I can’t get into every single change, and will save my more complete evaluations for our full review when iOS 16 is officially released.

Three screenshots showing, from left to right, the page to create a new lock screen, an example of a new lock screen with the clock and four widgets, and an
Three screenshots showing, from left to right, the page to create a new lock screen, an example of a new lock screen with the clock and four widgets, and an

New lock screens are a visual refresh

Once my phone restarted after installing the beta, the change was obvious. Instead of the clock and list of notifications my eyes had grown tired of, there was a box at the bottom of the page telling me the software had updated. The clock font was a thicker, blockier style, which I immediately wanted to change. I long-pressed the wallpaper, but that brought up the page for me to enter my passcode.

I found a bug where I couldn’t access the editor or switch pages until I set up Face ID. Basically, you can’t tweak or change lock screens without logging into your phone, but when you enter your passcode, the system takes you straight to your home page, bypassing the lock screen altogether. Face ID allows your iPhone to stay on the page after having unlocked your phone.

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