Super Dangerous Club, podcast Dr Kap and Joe Fisher June 12

 2 years ago
source link: https://decentralize.today/sunday-long-listen-super-dangerous-club-weekly-podcast-series-featuring-dr-kap-and-joe-fisher-june-12th-2022/
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Sunday Long Listen - Super Dangerous Club, weekly podcast series featuring Dr Kap and Joe Fisher - June 12th 2022

Big H
Big H June 12, 2022 — 1 minute read
Sunday Long Listen - Super Dangerous Club, weekly podcast series featuring Dr Kap and Joe Fisher - June 12th 2022

DT Note: Still playing catchup here, our plan is to go to one episode a week once we have cleared the backlog. So today another two episodes of the immensely enlightening and hugely eclectic Super Dangerous Club featuring Dr Kap, Joe Fisher and guests.

Crash redux

Episode 10, from February 15th 2022: This week we talk about what we were supposed to talk about last week! The recent crypto crash, inflation concerns, the economy, impact of proof of stake and dealing with staggering loss!

Elon Musk and the Orgy Squirrels

Episode 18, from May 8th 2022: This Super Dangerous Club special will uncover the truth behind Currency devaluation and Genitalia; Elon Musk and finally Flying squirrels orgies and Furniture theft. Don't miss the connections - Stay super Dangerous!

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