Hackaday Podcast 173: EMF Camp Special Edition

 2 years ago
source link: https://hackaday.com/2022/06/17/hackaday-podcast-173-emf-camp-special-edition/
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Hackaday Podcast 173: EMF Camp Special Edition


With Editor-in-Chief Elliot Williams enjoying some time off, Managing Editor Tom Nardi is flying solo for this special edition of the Hackaday Podcast. Thanks to our roving reporter Jenny List, we’ll be treated to several interviews conducted live from EMF Camp — a European outdoor hacker camp the likes of which those of us in the United States can only dream of. After this special segment, Hackaday contributors Al Williams and Ryan Flowers will stop by to talk about their favorite stories from the week during what may be the longest Quick Hacks on record. There’s a few extra surprises hidden in this week’s program…but if we told you everything, it would ruin the surprise. Listen closely, you never know what (or who) you might hear.

Direct Download link

Check out the links below if you want to follow along, and as always, tell us what you think about this episode in the comments!

Episode 173 Show Notes:

Jenny’s EMF Interviews:

Quick Hacks:

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