Top Universities In The World For Studying Automotive Engineering

 2 years ago
source link: https://ceoworld.biz/2022/05/30/top-universities-in-the-world-for-studying-automotive-engineering/
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Top Universities In The World For Studying Automotive Engineering

Technological advances post-Industrialisation have propelled the need to dedicate resources to automotive engineering. Yet, it wasn’t until the recent decades that the field started attracting a significant number of students to universities that offered courses in it. Today, many graduates in automotive engineering go on to engage in diverse areas of related work such as safety engineering, development of automobiles, quality management, and whatnot. Their role is only becoming bigger and more important than ever as the world dumps its resources to bridge the gap between the masses and the countries.
In today’s article, I want to list a few universities where you can receive the best education and training in automotive engineering. While the conventional rankers such as Harvard University and Oxford University are already well known for their courses in engineering overall, there are select universities specifically known for their courses in automotive engineering. We will narrow our focus to such universities.

So, without further ado, here are 5 universities (in no particular order) best known for studying automotive engineering:

  1. HAN University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands.
    Long-known for its reputation in automotive engineering, HAN University of Applied Sciences is among the largest universities in the country. Founded in the year 1996, its academic structure operates 64 Bachelor’s degree programs and 18 Master’s degree programs. The disciplines in which these programs are offered include Sport and Exercise, Health, Education and Training, Engineering and Life Sciences, and Business, Management, and Law. Giving impetus to the learning process, the university promotes and supports several research groups and companies and conducts extensive research as and when needed.
  2. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.
    VILNIUS TECH, or Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania, is one of the most prestigious universities in the country. Largely focussed on the courses related to science and engineering, there are 10 faculties in total, including Civil Engineering, Transport Engineering, Fundamental Sciences, Electronics, Creative Industries, Architecture, and Business Management. Research is fundamental to the purpose of VILNIUS TECH; the university has made infrastructural incorporations in the form of research institutes, centers, and laboratories that carry out high-profile national research from time to time.
  3. Tsinghua University, China.
    Those who have been keeping a tab on international rankings for a while should have expected a Chinese university on the list – and Tsinghua University has leapfrogged on those rankings in the past few years. It is a premier C9 League university that is best known for its academic courses and research activities in the field of business, politics, science, and engineering. Constantly ranked the best in Asia, it receives extensive government support reflected in the many national projects. The university is also home to the Intellectual property Summer Institute which was founded in partnership with Franklin Pierce Law Centre of Concord.
  4. The University of Texas, Austin, USA.
    The University of Texas, often called a Public Ivy, is one of the frontrunners when it comes to academic research. It comprises 18 colleges and schools, including Dell Medical School, College of Liberal Arts, Jackson School of Geosciences, and Cockrell School of Engineering. All of these colleges and schools are actively involved in research activities whose expenditure often breaches hundreds of millions of dollars annually. Its Cockrell School of Engineering is hailed as one of the best schools of engineering and is particularly known for its courses on automotive engineering. The University of Texas is known for being highly selective in its admission process, especially in the disciplines concerning science and engineering.
  5. University of Michigan, USA.
    Located in Ann Arbor, Michigan, the University of Michigan, or simply UMich, was founded in 1817 and is the state’s oldest such institution. It comprises several colleges and schools as part of its organization, including those in Medicine, Nursing, Graduate Studies, Education, Public Health, Law, Dentistry, and Social Work. So far as its research activities are concerned, the university has been designated for high research activity. Moreover, the university is a founding member of the prestigious Association of American Universities, which serves as an example that it is inclined towards expanding scholarship through meaningful research.

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