Apple Shares 'Beyond WWDC' Page Highlighting Community Events, WWDC Hashflag Now...

 2 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/apple-shares-beyond-wwdc-page-highlighting-community-events-wwdc-hashflag-now-live-on-twitter.2346423/
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Apple Shares 'Beyond WWDC' Page Highlighting Community Events, WWDC Hashflag Now Live on Twitter


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WWDC will be an online affair again this year, with the exception of some lucky developers invited to Apple Park, but there will still be opportunities for developers to connect with each other during Apple's weeklong developers conference.
Apple today shared a new "Beyond WWDC" page listing community-led events that will be hosted during or after WWDC, which runs from June 6 through June 10.

For example, the page highlights WWDC Community Week, a community-run event that helps developers to connect with fellow developers at watch parties, mentorship labs, community talks, a hackathon, and more. Other events include Office Hours, the Underdog Devs WWDC22 Watch Party, #iOSDevHappyHour IRL, try! Swift DUB DUB, DubDub Series, WWDC.playground, Extended Tokyo 2022, Devpass WWDC22 Special, and more.

In addition, the WWDC 2022 hashflag has also gone live on Twitter for the #WWDC22 hashtag. A hashflag is a small icon that appears next to hashtags in tweets, with the WWDC 2022 hashflag consisting of Apple's Swift icon in a circle outlined with rainbow colors.

Article Link: Apple Shares 'Beyond WWDC' Page Highlighting Community Events, WWDC Hashflag Now Live on Twitter

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