Japanese PM Encourages Web3-Related Growth, Open to Modify Crypto Tax Legislatio...

 2 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/fpsb-wants-to-hold-crypto-influencers-accountable-for-financial-advice/
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FPSB Wants to Hold Crypto Influencers Accountable for Financial Advice

about 5 hours ago

  • The Financial Planning Standards Board (FPSB) issued a statement on crypto influencers, digital assets, and retail trading with these assets.
  • The international organization is in charge of making recommendations and creating standards in financial planning which can be adopted by its members. Many countries, their regulators, and financial entities pay attention to the FPSB to implement new rules or laws.
  • This time the FPSB claims to have submitted a recommendation to the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) Retail Market Conduct Task Force, a global cooperative of securities regulatory agencies. The FPSB asked to “increase efforts” to “protect” investors from cryptocurrencies.


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Crypto Exchange Gemini Lays Off 10% of Staff, Preparing for Crypto Winter

about 5 hours ago

  • Gemini Trust Co. is laying off 10% of staff in an effort to help the firm weather “crypto winter,” billionaire brothers Tyler and Cameron Winklevoss, President and CEO, announced on Thursday.
  • The brothers reaffirmed that they believe the “crypto revolution” is well underway, but said that its current trajectory has forced them to reevaluate the size of their workforce.
  • On Thursday morning, Gemini was the ninth-largest spot crypto exchange, according to CoinMarketCap, having seen $125 million in volume over the past day.


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Japanese PM Encourages Web3-Related Growth, Open to Modify Crypto Tax Legislation

about 5 hours ago

  • In order to encourage Web3-related growth, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has stated that he may be open to modifying the country’s crypto tax legislation.
  • Kishida spoke to parliament last week, saying that Web 3 may spur economic growth and hinting that he might be willing to go through with pro-business legislation reform.
  • The opposition Democratic Party for the People Leader Yuichiro Tamaki has been one of the most vociferous opponents of the present crypto tax policy, which entails crypto being categorized as miscellaneous income.


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