Perception of Crypto Is Changing Around the World, Finds Economist Survey

 2 years ago
source link: https://nextbigwhat.com/tron-achieves-multiple-massive-milestones-in-may/
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FTX Becomes Second Largest Crypto Exchange in May, Overtaking Coinbase

about 6 hours ago

  • FTX overtook Coinbase in May as the second-largest centralized cryptocurrency exchange by market share, according to data compiled on The Block Research.
  • The market dominating exchange so far is Binance, which holds 64.1% of the market share, followed by FTX and Coinbase statistically on a monthly basis.
  • After Coinbase, the next most popular centralized exchanges during this period were Kraken (3.7%), Bitfinex (2.6%), and LMAX Digital (2.6%). Overall, crypto trading volumes grew 19.6% in May, totalling $830.4 billion.


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TRON Achieves Multiple Massive Milestones in May

about 6 hours ago

  • TRON celebrated a record month of May, achieving multiple massive milestones in a few short weeks.
  • From forging strong relationships with issuance platforms like Tether and Circle to establishing the TRON DAO Reserve and launching USDD based on the TRON platform, TRON has built a robust stablecoin armada that includes USDT, USDJ, TUSD, USDC, and USDD.
  • The TRON network completed full decentralization in December 2021 and is now a community-governed DAO. Most recently, the over-collateralized stablecoin USDD was announced on the TRON blockchain, backed by the first-ever crypto reserve for the blockchain industry – TRON DAO Reserve.


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India Emerges As Global Leader in NFT Gaming, Has Highest Numbers of P2E Players

about 6 hours ago

  • India is the global leader in non-fungible token (NFT) gaming, while the number of play-to-earn (P2E) players in developed countries like the U.S. and France is significantly lower than in much of the rest of the world, the latest data from Finder has shown.
  • According to Finder’s latest NFT gaming statistics, India is the country with the highest number of respondents that have played a P2E game.
  • Hong Kong is the next highest country with 29%, while the United Arab Emirates is third with 27%. While the popularity of P2E games appears to be growing, data from Finder seemingly show a distinction in the level of interest between respondents from Western countries and the rest of the world.


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Perception of Crypto Is Changing Around the World, Finds Economist Survey

about 6 hours ago

  • A report published by the Economist paints a bright future for cryptocurrency adoption, with survey respondents anticipating growing demand in the near future.
  • Around 75 percent of the participants had tertiary education or higher and had used a variety of digital payments methods to pay for goods or services.
  • A key takeaway was the prevailing sentiment from investors who agreed on open-source cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) or Ether (ETH) are useful as a diversifier in a portfolio or treasury account.


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