Episode 14 - Code for Cash

 2 years ago
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Episode 14

Code for Cash

Guest: Zack Burt

27 Feb 2017 | 0 Comments

In this episode we discuss Freelancing, Contracting and Consulting with Zack Burt, we talking about what these three are, and how to get yourself out there. We also cover the pitfalls and the benefits.

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jobs recruitment freelancing consultancy contracting chester devs

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Show Notes

In this episode we discuss Freelancing, Contracting and Consulting with Zack Burt, we talk about what these three are, and how to get yourself out there. We also cover the pitfalls and the benefits of working for yourself.

Contacting Zack Burt

Website: https://www.BreakingIntoConsulting.com
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/CodeForCashBook
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zackburt


Freelance programming jobs board: https://www.breakingintoconsulting.com/jobs.php
Hired.com: http://hired.com
Hired.co.uk: https://hired.co.uk/
Gun.io: https://gun.io/
hortList Recruitment: http://www.ontheshortlist.co.uk/

 Get your eBook Guide today!

Get your copy of Zack's new book about best practices for freelance software programming & consulting. Encompasses finding clients, risks, pitfalls and challenges, and everything else.


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Zack Burt

Zack Burt

Zack Burt began programming (with QBASIC) at age nine and immediately found a passion. Since 2003, he has been working in Silicon Valley and New York City in individual contributor and leadership roles. In 2007, he launched his software consultancy business after his PHP application "Lamefactor" was acquired by WikiYou, Inc.

He is passionate about open source, both in submitting pull requests and launching projects. He currently lives in Manhattan where he enjoys playing basketball, meeting new and diverse people; he also actively encourages you to get in touch with him if you'd like to meet.

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Joyk means Joy of geeK