Episode 93 - JetBrains Rider

 2 years ago
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Episode 93

JetBrains Rider

Guest: Matt Ellis

03 Sep 2018 | 0 Comments

In this episode we talk with Matt Ellis about the cross platform IDE Rider from JetBrains

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Rider IDE Cross-Platform Build Process Programming .Net Core

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Show Notes

In this episode we talk with Matt Ellis about the cross platform IDE Rider from JetBrains.

Matt is a developer slash developer advocate at JetBrains, he has spent over 20 years shipping software in various industries and currently works with IDEs and development tools, having fun with abstract syntax trees and source code analysis.

He has worked on several open source projects, with a heavy leaning towards plugins for JetBrains tools, from something useful, like adding xunit.net test runner support to ReSharper, to something less useful, such as Clippy for ReSharper. Yes, really. His current favourite side project is the Unity support in Rider.

Contacting Matt Ellis

Twitter: https://twitter.com/citizenmatt
Website: http://sticklebackplastic.com
GitHub: https://github.com/citizenmatt
Resharper Clippy: https://github.com/citizenmatt/resharper-clippy

Other Links

JetBrains Website: https://www.jetbrains.com
Rider Website: https://www.jetbrains.com/rider


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Matt Ellis

Matt Ellis

Matt is a developer slash developer advocate at JetBrains.

He has spent over 20 years shipping software in various industries and currently works with IDEs and development tools, having fun with abstract syntax trees and source code analysis.

He has worked on several open source projects, with a heavy leaning towards plugins for JetBrains tools, from something useful, like adding xunit.net test runner support to ReSharper, to something less useful, such as Clippy for ReSharper. Yes, really.

His current favourite side project is the Unity support in Rider.

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