Git FastPatch Shell Script — Donat Studios

 2 years ago
source link: https://donatstudios.com/FastPatch
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Fast Patches with Git

In my work, I deal with a lot of very similar codebases - and often if I fix something in one project I'll want to fix it in many others. For a long time this has meant popping open Beyond Compare, which works, but isn't the simplest solution.

I use git on my projects - but they're not similar enough just to be branches. Recently I came up with a way to patch one or more commits from a project to another easily. Here is a simple shell script I wrote to handle the task.

Simply put, you can use it either by

$ fast-patch.sh /z/my_project

to patch a project with the latest commit from the project in the working directory or with an optional parameter, specify a number of commits, eg

$ fast-patch.sh /z/my_project 5

Also, it will generate a patch log to ~/fastPatch.log which I generally use directly for my commit message by way of

$ git commit -F ~/fastPatch.log

Any comments on how I could improve it, or questions are quite welcome.

#!/bin/sh set -o errexit

# make sure we're at the root of git repo if [ ! -d .git ]; then echo "Error: must run this script from the root of a git repository" exit 1 fi

if [ ! -d "$1/.git" ]; then echo "Error: Paramater 1 must be host to a git repository" exit 1 fi

if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then commits=$2 else commits=1 fi

#Patch Log echo "Patched From: " > ~/fastPatch.log pwd >> ~/fastPatch.log git log -n $commits >> ~/fastPatch.log

#Patch git format-patch -$commits --stdout > ~/fastPatch.patch

cd "$1" #git stash git apply --reject --whitespace=nowarn ~/fastPatch.patch #git add . #git commit -F ~/fastPatch.log #git stash pop

echo "Patched With:" cat ~/fastPatch.log

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