Episode 33 - Developer Health

 2 years ago
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Episode 33

Developer Health

Guest: James Studdart

10 Jul 2017 | 0 Comments

In this episode I talk about going from fat to fit!

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Health Fitness Fat Fit

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Show Notes

 In this episode I talk about going from fat to fit, by changing my diet and exercising, but mainly just changing my diet


2KetoDudes http://2ketodudes.com/

Ketogenic Forums https://www.ketogenicforums.com/


Runtastic https://www.runtastic.com/

MyFitnessPal https://www.myfitnesspal.com/


Fitbit Charge 2 http://amzn.to/2twGPUl
Posture Correction http://amzn.to/2twRNt0
Sports Towels http://amzn.to/2tDEIg4

For any cycling developers out there: https://www.bikemunk.com/cycling-software/


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James Studdart

James Studdart

James Studdart is a full stack .NET developer, solutions architect and team leader based in the UK. He has experience in a wide range of markets from tropical fish and domestic services to international freight and the holiday industry, to name but a few.

He doesn’t know the meaning of downtime…

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