Similar CSS Color Finder

 2 years ago
source link: https://donatstudios.com/CSS-Alike-Color-Finder
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Similar CSS Color Finder


Tags: ToolsCSSColors

By Jesse Donat on Jan. 6, 2015 (Updated: Oct. 27, 2021)

Update: CIEDE2000 support added to the existing CIE94 support.

It would seem that very similar but non-identical colors seem to pop up often in CSS files of any reasonable age, and I became sick of them. This started as a little script to help me find them in a stylesheet, and grew into this full-fledged tool.

This tool will scan CSS and CSS-like files like Sass, Less, etc and find colors similar to each other within a set tolerance.

This handles #hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, and hsla colors.

There is a command line version of this with Continuous Integration support available on GitHub.



Comment by: Alex on Jan. 29, 2020

Alex's Gravatar You are real wizard!
Thanks a lot :-)

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