WatchOS 8 delay! Text messages (sent or receieved) not displaying simultaneously

 2 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/watchos-8-delay-text-messages-sent-or-receieved-not-displaying-simultaneously.2312428/
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WatchOS 8 delay! Text messages (sent or receieved) not displaying simultaneously


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

I updated both my iPhone 11 and Apple Watch Series 6 to OS 15 and OS 8, respectively. I have noticed a lag/delay and messages not syncing on time when a message is sent or received on my watch. For example, if I send a message from phone that says okay, the watch will still say I am leaving now and doesn't display "ok".

I unpaired the watch and it still keeps happening. Is anyone else experiencing this?


macrumors 68040

Apr 21, 2012




Do you mean the main message list doesn’t show the updated message? If so mine has done that since the beginning of watchOS 8.


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

Let’s say for example…
A friend text me and said look at these donuts and I respond on my phone saying those look delicious.
I go back to my watch and the message look at these donuts is still the latest message until I tap on the name or move the crown.
There’s a delay in syncing the messages from phone to watch. Never has happened before and it’s frustrating because it will indicate a new message notification but still have my last comment.

If I’m confusing you I apologize but I guess it’s hard to explain.


macrumors 68040

Apr 21, 2012




I think we are talking about the same thing.

My messages will not update until I actually go in to the individual message. Just typical Apple crap software these days.



Jul 4, 2019

New York

Yes. This is happening for me as well. Reading and/or replying to messages on my phone does not clear them out as new messages on my watch (as it did with 7).


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

I’ve done everything and nothing is working. I called and spoke with Apple Senior Advisors and still no fix. There must be a software/hardware update.

Reactions: rmw49


macrumors newbie

Oct 15, 2021

I understand exactly what the issue is. I have an Apple Watch series 3 (watchOS 8.0.1) and iPhone SE (15.0.2) and I’m getting the same messaging bug on my watch. Shows many new unread messages but the preview window doesn’t update with the latest message. I’ve also spoke to apple support and the best they have is “wait for an update”.


macrumors newbie

Sep 14, 2016

I’m having an issue that doesn’t sound exactly like what’s happening for you all, but similar in the fact that the messages complication will not show the accurate number of messages on my phone.

For example, my watch message bubble complication will be blank, and there are numerous unread messages on the phone. When I go into the thread on the Watch, the only messages were showing are mine.

This only seems to happen if I have custom alerts set within the messages app on the watch. I do not like my watch going off every time I receive a message, I prefer to use the complication and check to see what the number is throughout the day. Unpairing, setup as new, still an issue. It’s happening on my Series 7 as well, so I have to believe it’s software related and not just a syncing issue between my previous device.


macrumors member

Apr 11, 2012

My S7 does this, too.


macrumors newbie

Dec 30, 2020

I’m having an issue that doesn’t sound exactly like what’s happening for you all, but similar in the fact that the messages complication will not show the accurate number of messages on my phone.

For example, my watch message bubble complication will be blank, and there are numerous unread messages on the phone. When I go into the thread on the Watch, the only messages were showing are mine.

This only seems to happen if I have custom alerts set within the messages app on the watch. I do not like my watch going off every time I receive a message, I prefer to use the complication and check to see what the number is throughout the day. Unpairing, setup as new, still an issue. It’s happening on my Series 7 as well, so I have to believe it’s software related and not just a syncing issue between my previous device.
Omg. Mine is doing this too. But it is a series 5, currently on 8.0.1. This is driving me nuts😠😠. Did you figure out how to fix this?

Reactions: rmw49


macrumors 65816

Sep 29, 2016



Yeah this is happening in the WatchOS 8.1 beta as well.


macrumors newbie

Dec 30, 2020

Yeah this is happening in the WatchOS 8.1 beta as well.
I can only see my texts from the group chat. Is there a fix? I’ve tried to reset my watch from backup and even set up as new, nothing worked…


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

I have been going back and forth with Apple senior advisors and engineers and there hasn't been a true fix. All they are giving me is ideas... The latest was recovery mode and that did not work. I sure hope there is a software update that addresses these issues because it is the most annoying thing I have experienced with Apple.


macrumors newbie

Dec 30, 2020

I have been going back and forth with Apple senior advisors and engineers and there hasn't been a true fix. All they are giving me is ideas... The latest was recovery mode and that did not work. I sure hope there is a software update that addresses these issues because it is the most annoying thing I have experienced with Apple.
But what’s weird is it seems like only a few of us is experiencing this. Not even sure if the new update is going to address this..


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

Did anyone of you do the 15.1 RC and if so, did it fix the issue?
I spoke with Apple senior advisor and they want to give it another week for engineers to investigate the issue. They said maybe a new watch. I told them don’t want that just fix the issue.


macrumors 68020

Aug 15, 2009




I’m experiencing this as well. Pretty annoying that the one change to watch OS I even notice (the messaging app) kinda sucks now.

Reactions: CoachMike43


macrumors newbie

Dec 30, 2020

Hopefully that there’re enough people reported this issue back to Apple so they will fix it on the next update


macrumors regular

Apr 30, 2021

This is happening on my S7 and is no small distraction.


macrumors regular

Sep 24, 2014

The issue I am having is, when I receive a notification, the watch now takes forever to show me the actual content of the message. Sometimes I have to tap for it to show it to me. It used to be haptic--- wrist up ----- message, WhatsApp or whatever icon ---- content of message immediately after.


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

I had hope that iOS 15.1 & watchOS 8.1 would fix the issue but of course it did not. Probably will have to wait another month. What a complete disappointment.


macrumors newbie

Oct 21, 2021

I had hope that iOS 15.1 & watchOS 8.1 would fix the issue but of course it did not. Probably will have to wait another month. What a complete disappointment.
I’m having the same issue. It’s not the watch because it was happening on my S4 and now on my S7. The moment I toggle the crown, the latest text appears. Very annoying. Keep us posted on any updates from engineeers.


macrumors member

Original poster

Dec 10, 2013

Will do! I hate that others are experiencing this but I'm glad it's not just me!
I am getting a call back tomorrow afternoon from a senior advisor to let me the know update!


macrumors 6502

Feb 20, 2021

I experienced something similar too today. Answered on my watch sending an emoji and saw later that it hadn't arrived at all.


macrumors newbie

Oct 21, 2021

Will do! I hate that others are experiencing this but I'm glad it's not just me!
I am getting a call back tomorrow afternoon from a senior advisor to let me the know update!
Hi, Any updates?


macrumors 6502

Jan 27, 2018

Is there a dedicated WatchOS thread? Cause im not a fan of the changes made to text messages in OS8.

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