Automatic downloads Apple Music option keeps turning off

 2 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/automatic-downloads-apple-music-option-keeps-turning-off.2323674/
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Automatic downloads Apple Music option keeps turning off


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Recently bought a 2021 MBP, and the preference option in Apple Music titled "automatic downloads" should automatically download any songs you add into your library. However, when I click it on in preferences, click OK, and then go back into preferences, it's marked as off and therefore, will not automatically download anything. Tried re-authorizing the computer, signing in and out of itunes and computer and a pair of hard restarts. Still no luck. Any suggestions?

Note; I'm using lossless files, but I can't imagine why that would have any effect.

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