Is the new ARC and eARC feature useful at all?

 2 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/is-the-new-arc-and-earc-feature-useful-at-all.2327491/
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Is the new ARC and eARC feature useful at all?


macrumors 6502a

Original poster

I am considering updating my apple tv to the newest version, my old samsung TV does support the arc function, but I do not have a stereo pair of OG HomePods and probably not going to pay the current $400plus to get another one. The HomePod minis would be down grade from my current 2 channel amp I have hooked up.

Does the new current ARC and eARC function work with any other speakers and does it do anything useful?

It seems cool, but with the OG HomePods discontinued and having more and more issues every update, Im trying to understand if this would be something that would get me to update my ATV 4k.

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