Create your free, custom, no-code, one page website

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/pagecloud-start
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Create your free, custom, no-code, one page website
Create a free landing page, online portfolio, link page, and more with Pagecloud Start! Capture leads with custom forms, display your images in a gallery, and design your page to showcase your brand!
🎁 40% OFF!
Featured 13h ago
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CEO @ PageCloud

Big thanks to @myusuf3 for hunting Pagecloud Start!πŸŽ‰ We appreciate your support as we enter into a new chapter of Pagecloud!

As we continue to develop the Pagecloud platform, we’re constantly amazed by what our users create. Pagecloud Start gives us the opportunity to allow anyone to experience our platform and get started online.

Whether it’s time to get serious about your side hustle, start growing your business, or show off your personal brand, Pagecloud Start allows you to get online quickly and in style.

So what can you create with Pagecloud Start? The options are endless!

* Landing pages for events and launches * Coming soon pages with forms for lead capture while you continue to develop your website or prepare to launch. * Link pages to display in all your social bios * An online portfolio with image galleries to display your work * A personal bio page * Contact pages complete with custom forms And more!

Pagecloud gives you unlimited design freedom and control. Your template is your starting point, but where you take it is up to you.

Founder at Hoku
This looks great! As a founder looking for a way to create a quick landing page I definitely appreciate this product.
Marketing and CX @ Pagecloud
@edgar1 That's so good to hear! Looking forward to see what you might create!
Kudos on this launch @mgrouchy and team. This looks really nice... πŸš€πŸŽŠπŸ„πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ
Chief Designer at Pagecloud
Thanks @martin_dufort1, feels great to get this launched
Can’t wait to give this a spin. Product has come a long way.
Chief Designer at Pagecloud
@adrian_salamunovic we've improved and added so much into the product over the last couple years. It's a joy to work on and I'm looking forward to all the community input as more and more people get to use it.
Blogs on Rafrador.com
This looks fantastic. Good luck on the hunt, @mgrouchy
Marketing and CX @ Pagecloud
Thank you from all of us at Pagecloud! @anand_sriniv
Project manager @ ReSkript.
Looks great and so easy to use! Congrats on the launch
Marketing and CX @ Pagecloud
Healthcare Executive
Very excited to see Pagecloud Start launch! As a communications professional it's great to see how Pagecloud is making it easy for small businesses and entrepreneurs to increase their online presence. I'm particularly happy to see how easy it is to use for landing page for events and launches - something communications professionals actively need!
Marketing and CX @ Pagecloud
@christine_larocque That's so great to hear! Thank you for your support!
CEO & Founding Fellow @ Fellow.app
This is awesome. Congrats on the launch Pagecloud team πŸŽ‰πŸš€πŸš€
CEO @ PageCloud
@aydin_mirzaee Thanks for the support Aydin, very excited to be launched!
BizApps enthusiast, entrepreneur
This looks great. Congrats on the launch!
Marketing and CX @ Pagecloud
Engineer @thundraio
Congrats on the launch. I just wonder who are your competitors and how do you differ from them? Thank you, good luck!
Marketing and CX @ Pagecloud

Hey! thank you so much for your support.

Our competitors include elementor, wix, weebly, link tree, and other website builders or landing page generators.

Our editor's design flexibility and ease of use is really what sets us apart. We offer a true drag and drop experience that allows our users to place objects anywhere on their page, and our templates are fully customizable: Add, swap, delete, rearrange, and style anything you want.

Speaking of templates, we offer hundreds of predesigned "Sections" (templates) that act as building blocks for your page. You can add, hide, duplicate, and reuse Sections for faster and easier design.

Adding media and apps to your page is also super easy with Pagecloud. You can drag and drop videos, images, and even fonts directly onto the page!

We also offer structured editing (which we refer to as "Auto") that ensures your page will make a statement across all screens, and easily transition to a mobile version. Allowing both drag and drop editing, and structured responsive editing is a very unique approach to website building!

Thanks so much for your question! Always appreciated :)

Engineer @thundraio
@robingandy Thanks a lot for your detailed answer. Competition is hard but it seems that you have already thought a lot about that. Good luck and wish you all the best!

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