Quickcard - Produce tailored, interactive sales content | Product Hunt

 2 years ago
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Produce tailored, interactive sales content
Quickcard is a sales platform for producing tailored, interactive content to streamline the internal buy-in. Personalize copy and add logos to build the perfect personalized presentation. Embed sandbox demos, calendar widgets, tooltips, and videos too!
Featured 13h ago
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Hey Product Hunt!

Excited to finally launch Quickcard. We realized a lot of selling involves hearing "I need to circle internally" and "we need to loop in XYZ VP". Unfortunately, getting internal buy-in is tricky because you have limited access to those internal stakeholders.

That's where Quickcard.com comes in. We are a platform for crafting personalized sales decks at scale, so your champions can easily get the buy-in needed to complete a sales.

Additionally, Quickcard ships with a full-service concierge team. We know collateral is tricky since it draws from sales, marketing, and design roles. To expedite your success, our concierge kicks in to help you polish materials on Quickcard.

We are so excited to see what people make with us on Quickcard. Please book a call with us on our website if you want to learn more!

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Joyk means Joy of geeK