Apple Search Ads Performance Grader

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/apple-search-ads-performance-grader
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Growth @MobileAction

Hey hunters!

Our mobile tools had a huge demand from PH audience, why not do more? Here's the Apple Search Ads Performance Grader by SearchAds.com!

SearchAds.com’s Grader will put your Apple Search Ads account to test and compare your performance to top-performing apps to provide tailored recommendations for you to start optimizing your campaigns. No more guesswork, only actionable insights.

It's free but that's not the best part! You'll get:

6️⃣ 4️⃣ An Aggregated Grade based on overall performance. 💰 ❌ Estimated Budget Waste 🔍 Search Term Performance 📈 Search Ads Visibility Score 🔩 Underutilized Campaigns 📊 CR and TTR Comparison Against Industry Benchmarks 🆓 Budget Depleting Keywords ❇️ Apple Search Ads Best Practices Check

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