Learning @ Scale 2022: Call for Papers [Deadline: Jan 31]

 2 years ago
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Learning @ Scale 2022: Call for Papers [Deadline: Jan 31]

The event welcomes submissions on how technology can be leveraged in education to serve large audiences.

The ninth edition of the ACM conference Learning @ Scale (L@S) will take place at Cornell Tech, New York, on June 1–3, 2022.

The conference investigates forms of education where instruction is augmented through technology to allow a small number of instructors to serve a large number of learners. This year’s edition takes a particular interest in blended learning, a modality that many institutions have embraced as the pandemic abates.

L@S welcomes submissions ranging from work-in-progress to full papers. The deadline for submitting a full paper is Jan 31, but abstracts are due a week earlier.


The conference will span three days, and while the largest part of program has yet to be determined, a few sessions and speakers have already been announced.

Greg Morrisett, Dean and Vice Provost of Cornell Tech, will give the opening address; Martha Pollack, President of Cornell University, will give a keynote on the last day of the conference; and on that same day, Cadence Thille, Director of Learning Science at Amazon, will moderate a panel on the future of assessments.

You can find the tentative conference program here.


The conference welcomes submissions about the following themes:

  • Instruction: Envisioning how to scale up instruction to serve many learners.
  • Studies & Interventions: Shaping the learning to support teachers/learners.
  • Intelligence: Exploring how artificial intelligence can enable at-scale learning.
  • Informal Learning: Learning online outside the bounds of formal academia.
  • Systems & Tools: Looking at novel systems that support scaling education.
  • Synthesis: Bringing together existing research on education at scale.

You can find more details on the conference themes here.


The conference welcomes the following type of submissions:

  • Full papers: Full research and synthesis submissions of up to 10 pages rigorously exploring a topic in line with the themes above. The abstracts are due on January 24. And the camera-ready submissions are due on January 31.
  • Work-in-Progress: Work-in-progress submissions of up to 4 pages representing a first milestone toward a full paper on one of the themes above. Work-in-progress submissions are due on February 28.
  • Demonstrations: Demonstration proposals of up to 2 pages particularly suitable to showcase new technologies that can support at-scale education. Demonstration proposals are due on February 28.
  • Workshops: Workshop proposals of up to 4 pages, comprehensively describing a half- or full-day event dedicated to diving into one of the themes above and building a community around it. Workshop proposals are due on February 14.

You can find the full call for papers here.

Previous Editions

In 2021, Learning @ Scale was held jointly with EMOOCs, the European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit. Originally planned to take place in Potsdam, Germany, the event was moved online due to the pandemic. I had the pleasure of co-chairing the international track. You can find the conference proceedings here, and the session recordings here, including the international track round table that I co-moderated.

In 2020, Learning @ Scale was set to take place at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, USA, but was also moved online due to the pandemic. Dhawal and I co-organized a workshop with David Joyner from Georgia Tech and researchers from Tokyo Tech, Galileo, and HPI, where we discussed at-scale learning initiatives worldwide. You can find the proceedings here. I wrote about the conference highlights here.

Class Central is a media partner of the Learning @ Scale 2022

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