GitHub Actions Hackathon 2021 - Reusable workflows to automate tokens

 2 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/pwd9000/github-actions-hackathon-2021-reusable-workflows-to-automate-tokens-3hke
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Posted on Nov 14

GitHub Actions Hackathon 2021 - Reusable workflows to automate tokens

💡 Automate Azure Service Bus SAS tokens with reusable Github Actions

I decided to submit a second github Actions hack for this years ActionsHackathon21 contest.

In my post I demonstrate how we can implement and automate Azure Service bus SAS tokens using github actions. The post also covers a new github actions workflow feature using a reusable GitHub workflow as a job to handle temporary SAS token generation.

Here is the link to the post in which my github actions are documented and explained, enjoy!

Submission Category: Wacky Wildcards

😳💥🔥 I know.... ITSec Ops workflows are totally WACKY! 🔥💥😳

Yaml File or Link to Code

GitHub logo Pwd9000-ML / Azure-Service-Bus-SAS-Management

Repository to maintain and manage Azure Service Bus SAS tokens


Repository to maintain and manage Azure Service Bus SAS tokens

This repository hosts github workflows which can be used to automate and generate short lived usable Azure Service Bus SAS tokens and stores them inside of an Azure Key Vault. See my blog post for full details 😄

With the workflows published on this repo you can implement and automate Azure Service bus SAS tokens using reusable github action workflows. The post above also explains in detail a new github actions workflow feature by using a reusable GitHub workflow as a job to generate short lived Service Bus SAS tokens.


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Joyk means Joy of geeK