What’s in Your Cloud? Enterprise Integration Playbook: Saving Time with iPaaS

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.informationweek.com/whitepaper/platform-as-a-service/executive-insights-and-innovation/what%E2%80%99s-in-your-cloud-enterprise-integration-playbook-saving-time-with-ipaas%C2%A0/432263?gset=yes&keycode=sbx&cid=smartbox_techweb_whitepaper_14.500004759&_mc=smartbox_techweb_whitepaper_14.500004759
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What’s in Your Cloud? Enterprise Integration Playbook: Saving Time with iPaaS 

The proliferation of departmental applications is driving the need for enterprise integration platforms. As every area of business creates their own tech stack, businesses are becoming increasingly siloed. By bringing all the data together on a single integration and automation platform (known as iPaaS), you can gain back the transparency needed to succeed and keep customers happy. You also gain control over the hundreds of applications in use and can audit all data movements within your organization. Included in this playbook are 6 workflow examples anyone can build on their iPaaS platforms to save time, money and resources.

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