Set the width of the google chart

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/set-the-width-of-the-google-chart.html
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Set the width of the google chart


How can I set the width of the google chart api? I can resize it when i put it on a script tag, but I am using it this way to create a chart:

    <g:lineChart title='Sample Line Chart' titleAttrs="${['440000',30]}"colors="${colors}"axes="x,y" gridLines="10,10,1,0" type='xy' lineStyles="${[[3,6,3],[6,3,6],[6,6,7]]}" legend="${labels}" axesLabels="${[0['Jan','Feb','Mar'],1:[0,10,30,50]]}" fill="${'bg,s,efefef'}" dataType='text'data='${values5}' />

I tried putting a width='800px' but it doesnt work. Please help, thanks.

Inline styles should be of the following format style="width:800px;"

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