How do I make an HTTPS request in Squeak or Pharo?

 2 years ago
source link: https://www.codesd.com/item/how-do-i-make-an-https-request-in-squeak-or-pharo.html
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How do I make an HTTPS request in Squeak or Pharo?


How can I make an HTTPS request from Squeak or Pharo? HTTPClient and friends seem to lack any facilities for SSL.

Zodiac as mentioned above will enable you to make HTTPS requests from Zinc.

Enable it like this (recipe from the Pharo forum):

First download the SqueakSSL plugin and put it in your Pharo directory, and then load the necessary packages:

"Load Zinc HTTP Components"
Gofer it
  squeaksource: 'ZincHTTPComponents';
  package: 'Zinc-HTTP';
  package: 'Zinc-Tests';
  package: 'Zinc-Patch-HTTPSocket';

"Load Zodiac including extras"
Gofer it
  squeaksource: 'Zodiac';
  package: 'Zodiac-Core';
  package: 'Zodiac-Tests';

"Load extra Zinc support for Zodiac"
Gofer it
  squeaksource: 'ZincHTTPComponents';
  package: 'Zinc-Zodiac';

"Switch to the Zn Zodiac socket factory"
ZnNetworkingUtils default: ZnZodiacNetworkingUtils new.

And you should be able to make requests against HTTPS resources.

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