No Samsung Galaxy Note21 Coming This Year

 2 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/no-samsung-galaxy-note21-coming-this-year-533579.shtml
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Next Note now expected to see daylight in 2022

The arrival of the S Pen in the Galaxy S lineup was seen by many as the living proof that Samsung wants to kill off the Galaxy Note brand once and for all.

But despite so many rumors suggesting that the Galaxy Note is getting the ax, it looks like the phablet is still making the cut, though unfortunately, no refresh for 2021 is actually planned.

In other words, the Note will continue to be part of Samsung’s lineup in the long term, but on the other hand, no new model would see the daylight this year.

And this time, it’s actually Samsung the one saying it, as the company has recently confirmed that it would be skipping a Note hardware update for 2021.

Next Note coming in 2022

Dr. TM Roh, President & Head of Mobile Communications Business, Samsung Electronics, said in a post on Samsung’s page that the typical August Unpacked event will now witness the debut of other devices, such as new foldables and a new-gen S Pen, rather than the introduction of a new Note.

“We are out to set new heights and open up a whole new world of exciting experiences for even more people. I hope you’ll join us as we debut our next Galaxy Z family and share some foldable surprises — including the first-ever S Pen designed specifically for foldable phones. Instead of unveiling a new Galaxy Note this time around, we will further broaden beloved Note features to more Samsung Galaxy devices. In the meantime, mark your calendars and tune in to our Unpacked event on August 11 to see what unfolds,” he said (emphasis is ours).

What this means is that the next Note is now projected to see the daylight at some point in 2022, unless Samsung changes its mind once again.

In the meantime, the S Pen is making its way to many other devices, so if you loved the Note for its stylus, then Samsung will try to make sure there are plenty of other alternatives for you in its lineup.

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