GitHub - fable-compiler/Fable.I18Next: Fable bindings and helpers for [i18next](...

 2 years ago
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Fable bindings and helpers for i18next. The bindings work with Fable and on .NET Core for ServerSide-Rendering.

Created by @atheck.


npm install --save i18next # or
yarn add i18next

paket add Fable.I18Next --project [yourproject]


Make sure your Fable project .fsproj has the FABLE_COMPILER property set:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
    // ...
    <Compile Include="App.fs" />

Create a translations.json file like the following:

    "de": {
        "translation": {
            "MyKey": "Das ist ein deutscher Text",
    "en": {
        "translation": {
        "MyKey": "This is a english text",

Hook in Fable.I18Next in your Elmish Program inside App.fs:

module App

open Fable.Core.JsInterop

// ...

let resources : obj = import "*" "./translations.json"

promise {
    do! I18n.Init(resources,"en")
    Program.run program
|> Promise.start

If you want to access the translation then just use:

open Fable.I18Next

I18n.Translate "MyKey"

If you want to switch the language then use the I18n.ChangeLanguage. If you use Elmish then you can put it into a Cmd:

open Fable.I18Next

let update msg model =
    match msg with
    // ...
    | ChangeLanguage newLanguage ->
        model, Cmd.OfPromise.either I18n.ChangeLanguage newLanguage LanguageChanged Error
    // ...

Usage on .NET Core

let resourceFileName =
    let app = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location
    let startupPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName app
    Path.Combine(startupPath, "translations.json")

I18n.Init(resourceFileName, initialLang)

Please read the i18next docs for more sophisticated examples.

Release process

After installing dependencies with yarn install, run yarn run build publish to publish a new package

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