The Purple iPhone 12 Is Now Available for Pre-Order

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/the-purple-iphone-12-is-now-available-for-pre-order-532731.shtml
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The device ships beginning Friday, April 30

Apple has officially started taking pre-orders for the new purple iPhones the company announced earlier this week at its spring event.

Available exclusively on the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 mini, the new purple version is all about the looks, so under the hood, these devices are exactly the same as the models already available on the market.

The purple iPhones will come with iOS 14.5 pre-installed, as the new operating system version is projected to ship next week for all devices.

“The incredible iPhone 12 is the most popular smartphone in the world, and the iPhone 12 family has an over 99 percent customer satisfaction rate. The new purple finish, just in time for spring, adds another bright and fun option to the lineup, and we think customers are going to love it,” said Greg Joswiak, Apple’s senior vice president of Worldwide Marketing.

The demise of the iPhone 12 mini

While the announcement of a new finish for the iPhone 12 mini might make some think Apple totally loves the 5.4-inch device, unofficial information indicates this particular model isn’t exactly selling as strong as anticipated. Earlier this year, people close to the matter said Apple even adjusted the production of the mini due to the low demand, with suppliers required to slow down the output of the 5.4-inch device and instead build more Pros, which are apparently selling much better these days.

This made many believe the iPhone mini would be retired rather sooner than later, but according to top Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, Apple is planning at least one more version that could launch as part of the iPhone 13 generation.

But on the other hand, it’s believed the iPhone mini would then be retired and be replaced by a new 6.1-inch device that would join the lineup as part of the iPhone 14 unveiling.

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