Play Warhammer: Vermintide 2 for Free This Weekend

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/play-warhammer-vermintide-2-for-free-this-weekend-532737.shtml
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You can also save 75% on the game if you like it

If you've been following the gaming news, you probably know that Warhammer: Vermintide 2 received a free expansion earlier this week. Chaos Wastes is the next chapter in the Vermintide 2 saga and everyone who owns the base game can download and play the expansion for free on PC.

Players who own Warhammer: Vermintide 2 on consoles will have to wait a while longer, as Chaos Wastes is not yet available for their gaming platforms. To celebrate the success of the expansion's launch, the folks at Fatshark announced their game can now be played for free until the end of the weekend.

Anyone with a Steam account can play Warhammer: Vermintide 2 for free between Thursday and Sunday this week. On top of that, those who like the game and would like to purchase it after the free weekend will be able to do so for a great price. Warhammer: Vermintide 2 is 75% off and DLCs are 50% off right now, not to mention that the first Warhammer: Vermintide game is getting a whopping 90% discount on Steam.

If Chaos Wastes is what you enjoy most, you won't have to pay anything since this expansion is available for free. As we previously reported, Chaos Wastes introduces a range of new gameplay mechanics, such as unique coins that can be traded for godly favor or weapons, Chests of Trials, uncorrupted shrines, and Waystone Altars.

Also, the free expansion brings new potions that offer powerful benefits, which might be enough to even the odds on a long and difficult journey. Last but not least, Twitch streamers will be happy to know that Chaos Wastes includes the Twitch Integration, which lets the audience join in on the adventure and help the players on their journey by voting on what will happen next.

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