iPhone 12 Mini Is the Slowest Selling iPhone, Data Shows

 3 years ago
source link: https://news.softpedia.com/news/iphone-12-mini-is-the-slowest-selling-iphone-data-shows-532733.shtml
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Even the iPhone SE is selling more units than the mini

Apple launched the iPhone 12 family with a series of four different models, including an all-new 5.4-inch device called iPhone mini.

But according to people familiar with the matter, the iPhone 12 mini is selling so slow that Apple has even adjusted orders at its suppliers, lowering the production of this new device and instead increasing the one of the Pro models.

Furthermore, some said Apple could completely kill off the iPhone mini this year, but the latest information in this regard indicates the 5.4-inch device would stick around for at least one more generation.

And new data shared by CIRP indicates the iPhone 12 mini is indeed the slowest-selling iPhone right now, as even the iPhone XR and the smaller iPhone SE surpassed it.

New iPhones coming in September

iPhone 12 accounted for 61 percent of all iPhone sales in the United States, and iPhone 11 was the best-selling model with 24 percent of all sales.

“In the first full quarter of availability, we now see how consumers prefer the full-size iPhone 12 and 12 Pro models, and legacy iPhone 11, avoiding iPhone mini and SE,” said Josh Lowitz, CIRP Partner and Co-Founder.

“The iPhone 12 models, including the base, Pro, and Pro Max, all garnered decent share, divided relatively equally among them, including the highest-priced iPhone 12 Pro Max with 20% of sales. This improved on how the iPhone 11 Pro Max models performed a year ago, when it accounted for 13% of sales. Still, iPhone 11 actually had the largest share of any single model, suggesting consumers find its price point and form factor attractive. iPhone 12 mini and SE had the smallest shares of all models, and both decreased share relative to the December 2020 quarter.”

The next iPhone lineup is projected to be unveiled in September again with four models, all upgrades to the current generation.

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