The best Mac option for a new developer

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/the-best-mac-option-for-a-new-developer.2291135/
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The best Mac option for a new developer


macrumors newbie

Original poster

What would be my best way into the macOS eco system? My goal is to develop iOS apps and applications for the new M1 architecture on a hobby basis. My background is a long professional career as JAVA and .NET developer in a Windows environment, but I need to have fun with computers again. After helping out my daughter on her MBP, I realized I hadn't used a cool computer since my Amiga days.

My initial notion is a Mac mini M1 and a high grade 4k monitor. I'm prepared to shell out about £2500 though, so should I wait for the upcoming iMac? I just have a sinking feeling that it will be unobtainable for a long time due to the chip shortage.

Thanks for your help!

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