home sharing in music app?

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/home-sharing-in-music-app.2290966/
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home sharing in music app?

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macrumors 6502

Original poster

Jul 24, 2017
is it possible to use home sharing through the music app instead of the computers app? or does this require Apple Music subscription? thanks


macrumors 68040

Jan 13, 2011 3,734


It works, if you have "Sync library" enabled on your computer.
Your songs appear under Library in the Music app, but they will play from Apple servers, not your Home Sharing server.
Essentially, the same thing that was originally marketed as iTunes Match.

Reactions: AL2TEACH


macrumors 6502

Original poster

Jul 24, 2017
It works, if you have "Sync library" enabled on your computer.
Your songs appear under Library in the Music app, but they will play from Apple servers, not your Home Sharing server.
Essentially, the same thing that was originally marketed as iTunes Match.
unfortunately not. it turns out a subscription is indeed required


macrumors 6502

Feb 17, 2007

Denver, CO.

It works, if you have "Sync library" enabled on your computer.
Your songs appear under Library in the Music app, but they will play from Apple servers, not your Home Sharing server.
Essentially, the same thing that was originally marketed as iTunes Match.
aaahhh was wondering bout that and I was thinking of syncing but thought the music on the computer would fill up the iPad and iPhone. thanks for the info.

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