Ipad Pro 2018 bent | MacRumors Forums

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/ipad-pro-2018-bent.2287818/
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Ipad Pro 2018 bent


macrumors 6502

Original poster

Had my IPP 2018 from new since launch. Bought it directly from Apple. Since owning it I’ve been really careful handling it, it’s never been pack away in my bag and certainly for the last 12months it’s spent the vast majority of it’s time sat on my desk in it’s Apple case/stand.

Fast forward about 3 weeks ago and it suddenly stopped working. I’d been using it fine for a zoom call then when I tapped the screen literally 20mins later it was unresponsive. It powered on, but the screen was blank.

Even though it was over 2 years old, I contacted Apple. I was on the call for nearly two hours. In the end one of the senior advisors told me that they would repair the device for free, which was amazing news.

I sent the device back to them using the supplied packaging then yesterday i received a message saying that they could not repait it due to a bend. Since owning the device, I have never noticed any bend and was adamant possibly happened during transit. Luckily I had some recent photos of the ipad and it indeed already had a slight bend in it which I hadn’t even noticed.

I have no idea how long the bend has been present. Maybe it happened just before it became faulty. My device sits in it’s case/stand on my desk, so could it have possibly somehow overheated whilst charging?

Anyway now Apple are saying that they will no longer fix it for free and I’ll instead need to pay an out of warranty repair fee of £476. Gutted especially as I have no idea how it happened and fact that I’m so careful with my devices.

Anyone else been in similar situation with IPP 2018 models? I know there was the whole ‘bendgate’ soon after the were released, but not really heard much about that since.


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