Mac Pro 5,1 Randomly Freezing and Crashing | MacRumors Forums

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/mac-pro-5-1-randomly-freezing-and-crashing.2287835/
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Mac Pro 5,1 Randomly Freezing and Crashing


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Greetings, forum-goers! Today I present an issue that is very irksome and continues to get worse.

My 2009 Mac Pro 5,1 is randomly freezing for upwards of 10 minutes at a time. There have been a few times when it was so bad that I had to hold the power button to shut it down and restart it. A few days ago, I turned the monitor on to find a crash report saying that a restart was forced. I saved the crash report to a paste site and will attach it to this post.

If anybody can possibly help me sort this out, I would greatly appreciate it!

Crash Report: Crash error Mac Pro 5,1

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