iOS/iPadOS Home Bar line - poll

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/ios-ipados-home-bar-line-poll.2287800/
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What do you think of the Home Bar line at the bottom of the iOS/iPadOS?


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Hi All,

I don’t see a lot of chatter/complaints in here on the Home Bar line at the bottom of screen on devices without a home button, so maybe I am in the minority here.

I am definitely not a fan and I actually ended up returning a iPad Pro just because of the visual displeasure it gave me. On my iPhone 11 I notice the line less because it is typically held vertically and so the line is smaller in proportion to height of the screen. However, on an iPad which I typically use horizontally it is a constant eye sore, especially on a dark background where the line becomes a very flashy white. So I ended sticking with a good old iPad with bezels where the gestures are the same, but no distracting line at the bottom.

I have sent my feedback to Apple, however, I just wanted to know if I am the only one with this issue. So please let me know in the poll / comments what you think of the Home Bar line.

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