macos installation couldn't be completed

 3 years ago
source link: https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/macos-installation-couldnt-be-completed.2287938/
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macos installation couldn't be completed


macrumors newbie

Original poster

Good day everyone I have Macbook Pro mid-2012. I changed out the hard drive because the old one seemed to have stopped working.. I am trying to install MacOs from the internet recovery option, but I keep getting this error every time after waiting hours.

I did the disk utility,but when it opens i don't see my hard drive in there.. When i restart withe the recovery key combo.. I see my hard driver labeled with EFI Boot.. When i do it it goes through the same process of trying to Install Catalina all over again an after hours i get the same messsage again.. I tried using the utility to format the drive to AFPS and tried again with no luck

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