Taiga Agile

 3 years ago
source link: https://agile.taiga.io/fptrial?fpr=methodstools&fp_sid=scrumxp
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Taiga Agile

Deliver promised functionality

in time and within budget

Taiga is the project management tool for multi-functional agile teams. It has a rich feature set and at the same time it is very simple to start with through its intuitive user interface.


402771 users joined Taiga

107 did so yesterday

Join some of the most Agile companies in the world

"Now more than ever we need a digital environment that supports an Agile form of working and Taiga does just that."


"It was a 180-degree change. Less than a month after starting with Taiga, the stress level of the team went down dramatically. In a few months the relationship with the client had become stronger. "

Gonzalo, New Business Director at Secuoyas

Jeroen, Consultant at Coolminds

Taiga is a leader in Project Management on G2

Agile project management made easy, intuitive and effective


Define deliverables involving your full team to capture all team´s knowledge and secure buy in. Align and (re)prioritize deliverables with the end user on an ongoing basis to allow for timely pivots and assure the highest priority ones are completed in time

Get organized



Communicate effectively

Have daily stand-ups with the whole team. Share progress on agreed end products and discuss bottlenecks for a timely delivery. Promote risk-taking from team members to benefit both the individual and the team


Provide visibility of ongoing activities & completed deliverables to the end user. Greater transparency into current resource & time allocation gives the end user a better understanding of state of- and effort needed for each deliverable & potential changes

Stay on track



Easy to start with and intuitive user interface for multi functional teams. Reflect and improve with the team on performance and ways of working. When needed, change workflows and activate more features. No training and complex set up required

Start easy and evolve



Don't worry about data security

Open source software developed in the open and with the complicity of a vibrant international community



Every hero has an origin story. Here is Taiga's:

Taiga is an open-source project management software that supports teams that work Agile across both Scrum and Kanban frameworks.

It was born out of a frustration with the lack of intuitive and visually appealing tools to facilitate Agile methodologies.

In 2015 it was rolled it out, and won "The Best Agile Tool" in the 2015 Agile Awards. Most recently, it was cited as one of the Top 7 project management tools for 2020 by OpenSource.com.



Intuitive and simple, yet feature complete Kanban board

Customization to fit your workflow including EPICS and sub-tasks

Extensive board filter options and search function

WIP limits

View options like zoom level and user story archive function

Possibility to switch over to Scrum and vice versa


Complete set of boards to plan and show individual sprints from backlog

Backlog & sprint planning including EPICS and sub-tasks

Estimations (possible per role) including project doomline

Planning poker tool (Taiga Seed)

Sprint task board with swim-lanes per user story and zoom function

Burn down chart on project and sprint level

Possibility to switch over to Kanban and vice versa



Customization of issue types, priorities and severities

Possibility to add issues to sprint

Function to promote issue to user story

Extensive filter options and search function

Integrated and complete issues/bug tracking



Team performance dashboard (incl. team health Iocane function)

Full audibility with project timeline

Personal dashboard & notifications

Wiki function

Custom real time reports in your own data editor with CSV URL link

Complete set of dashboards and reporting possibilities




Overview of progress on activities & completed deliverables

Define team roles & permissions

Available in over 20 languages

Customization of stages, colors and close definition

Custom tags and fields


Embedded onboarding

Various integrations

Project import and export function


Start simple and add functionality when you need it



per user, per month, billed annually

($7 when billed monthly)

Our fair pricing policy: we will adjust your invoice to ensure you are charged every month only for the exact number of users you have active. Upgrade and downgrade as needed.

Unlimited number of members

Unlimited private projects

Unlimited public projects

Up to 10GB of storage per private project

Premium support

Our lawyer, who is one tough cookie, and is himself obsessed with cookies, wants you to know that Taiga uses cookies. He's a simple-minded man, and requires obvious announcements like this.Our cookie policy

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