Continuous Open Source License Compliance (Phipps & Zacchiroli, IEEE Compute...

 3 years ago
source link: https://dirkriehle.com/2020/12/08/continuous-open-source-license-compliance-phipps-zacchiroli-ieee-computer-column/
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Continuous Open Source License Compliance (Phipps & Zacchiroli, IEEE Computer Column)

I’m happy to report that the 12th article in the Open Source Expanded column of IEEE Computer has been published.

TitleContinuous Open Source License ComplianceKeywordsOpen Source Software, Licenses, Supply Chains, Standards, Computer SecurityAuthorsSimon Phipps, Meshed Insights Ltd.  
Stefano Zacchiroli, Universite de Paris, FrancePublicationComputer vol. 53, no. 12 (December 2020), pp. 115-119

Abstract: This article considers the role of policy and process in open source usage and propose in-workflow automation as the best path to promoting compliance.

As always, the article is freely available (local copy).

Also, check out the full list of articles.

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Categories2. Building Products, 2.3 Open Source (Building)TagsOpen Source Expanded

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