Breaking Down Organizational Silos with Inner Source (in German)

 3 years ago
source link: https://dirkriehle.com/2020/12/09/breaking-down-organizational-silos-with-inner-source-in-german/
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Breaking Down Organizational Silos with Inner Source (in German)

This coming Friday, December 11th, 2020, at noon CET, I’ll be a guest in Eberhard Wolff’s Software Architektur lunch chat. Our topic is how to break down organizational silos using open source methods, which is, you guessed it, using inner source. Join me through Software Architektur TV and send us your questions in advance (or live)!

Teaser for inner source @ Software Architektur TV

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Categories2. Building Products, 2.4 Inner SourceTagsIn German

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