Upcoming Industry Talk on What Happens When Project = 1 Team Stops Being Feasibl...

 3 years ago
source link: https://dirkriehle.com/2020/12/16/upcoming-industry-talk-on-what-happens-when-project-1-team-stops-being-feasible-scaling-methods-tools-and-skills-online-and-irl-by-giovanna-luisi-of-gfk-growth-from-knowledge/
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Upcoming Industry Talk on What Happens When Project = 1 Team Stops Being Feasible: Scaling Methods, Tools and Skills, Online and IRL by Giovanna Luisi of GfK, Growth from KnowledgeSkip to content


Upcoming Industry Talk on What Happens When Project = 1 Team Stops Being Feasible: Scaling Methods, Tools and Skills, Online and IRL by Giovanna Luisi of GfK, Growth from Knowledge

We will be hosting an industry talk on what happens when Project = 1 Team stops being feasible: Scaling methods, tools and skills, online and IRL. The talk is free and open to the public.

  • by: Giovanna Luisi of GfK, Growth from Knowledge
  • about: Agile at scale
  • on: January 14th, 2021, 10:15 Uhr
  • on: Zoom  (link after registration)
  • as part of: AMOS speaker series


Many digital ventures start with a small team. But regardless if you work for a small startup or for a large enterprise, as demand and success knock at the door, that small team becomes overloaded and needs to branch out. But how? We will look at different ways to scale agile teams, the various frameworks which exist to guide us in that process, their uptake, cost and complexity, and crucially which tools and skills are required to do that transition successfully, both when we are transforming a distributed project across continents using only digital tools, or if we are scaling in a small warehouse IRL.



Giovanna is a Senior Agile Coach and Scrum Master at GfK. She has extensive knowledge in scaling and agile practices, which have led her to support GfK locations across Europe in the company’s agile transformation. With a particular focus in applying agile methods to research projects, data science and experimental innovation, Giovanna has led data science teams from ideation to delivery within the company flagship program, breaking new ground in the field of predictive and prescriptive analytics. She holds a Master of Research from the University of London, but really, she never stops studying.

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