Tower - Tower for Teachers & Universities

 4 years ago
source link: https://www.git-tower.com/education
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Questions & Answers

Who qualifies for this free offer?
  • Teachers: You qualify if you're a teacher / professor / member of the faculty staff at an accredited college or university.
  • Educational Institutions: Universities, colleges, and many other types of schools (including Bootcamps / CodeCamps) can apply for a multi-seat license to give their students free access to Tower.
How can I apply?

1. Enter your school email address in the form above.

2. We'll send you a confirmation email where you can request your free Tower license. If your school email is not a ".edu" address, we will ask you to provide a valid proof of your educational status.

Do I need a credit card to redeem the offer?

No, you will NOT need to enter any payment information.

How long can I use Tower?

You will receive 12 months of Tower for free. We will notify you via email before these 12 months end: if you can re-confirm your educational status, you can extend your free account. If not, your license will expire and you can choose to start a paid Tower subscription.

I already have a paid account. Can I still get a free license?

We do not refund already paid subscriptions. However, you can cancel your paid account at any time and apply for a free education account.

What about my students?

We offer Tower for free to enrolled students. They can apply directly on our website.


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