Learn Data Science from Top Universities for Free

 4 years ago
source link: https://towardsdatascience.com/learn-data-science-from-top-universities-for-free-ee3387ad88ac?gi=a28c5ec61595
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Where to find free lectures, seminars and complete courses from the likes of MIT, Stanford and Harvard


Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

I’m currently reading a book called ‘ Ultralearning. Accelerate Your Career, Master Hard Skills and Outsmart the Competition ’. This book talks about a learning technique that allows you to learn new skills and even completely new subjects in seemingly impossible time frames. According to the book, Ultralearning is “a strategy for acquiring skills and knowledge that is both self-directed and intense”.

The author of the book, Scott H Young, famously completed a personal challenge using ultralearning. The challenge that he set himself was to learn the entire 4-year MIT ( Massachusetts Institute of Technology ) curriculum for computer science in just 12 months. He successfully completed the challenge in 2012 and recorded a Ted Talk about his experiences called ‘Can you get an MIT education for $2,000?’.

Can you get an MIT education for $2,000 by Scott H Young

Scott H Young was only able to complete his challenge for $2,000 because MIT makes most of their course material and lectures available for free via an online portal.

MIT is not the only university that does this. Many of the high ranking US universities make courses, lectures and other learning material available for free. Amongst this, is a wealth of material that is highly and often directly applicable to learning data science, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Many of the high ranking US universities make courses, lectures and other learning material available for free.

I previously wrote an article called How to Learn Data Science for Free which provides an alternative, and free, learning path compared to more traditional university degree programs. However, if you are someone who learns better through a more traditional lecture-based course or would like to supplement this curriculum with deeper dive into related subjects the following free resources can help.

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