What Software Engineering Universities Don't Teach You

 3 years ago
source link: https://dev.to/sonny_ad/what-software-engineering-universities-don-t-teach-you-50jc
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With almost 10 years of working experience, I played several roles as a software engineer. And I am currently CTO of a video game company. Thinking back about my time at university, there are tons of subjects I wish I had been taught properly. Here is my list...

Time and task management ⏲️

  • Partitioning time (ex Pomodoro)
  • Avoid distractions, getting into the flow state
  • Inbox Zero

Tooling 🛠️

  • Hardware: computers, input devices, and network devices
  • Tools to increase productivity, shortcuts
  • Shell: bash, zsh, vi, or others
  • Mastering IDE
  • Test framework and test automation
  • IT: resources inventory, resources management

Communication 💬

  • With your technical colleagues
  • With your non-technical colleagues
  • With clients and customers: be confident and assertive
  • Marketing: Self and Company promotion

Project Management 💼

  • Agile: Scrum, Kanban
  • Stories, task definition
  • Task estimation
  • TDD, DDD
  • Performance monitoring

Leading / Mentoring 🦸

  • Onboarding people
  • Mentoring people
  • Documentation
  • Code reviews
  • Peer reviews, Pair programming

Management 👨‍💼

  • 1-on-1
  • Delegation
  • Feedback and Performance reviews
  • Career management, coaching
  • Personalized communication based on DISC assessment or others
  • Objectives definition: OKR, KPI, SMART, etc.

Budget Management 💰

  • Definition of budget
  • Expenses monitoring
  • Accounting

Entrepreneurship 🏢

  • Corporate governance and the basics of corporate law
  • Business development
  • Business plan
  • Business monitoring

Do you agree? Share your comments below. I also invite you to make your list and share it as well.

Photo by Adam Winger on Unsplash

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