Milestone - Interactive, gamified product tours for SaaS | Product Hunt

 3 months ago
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Interactive, gamified product tours for SaaS

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Make onboarding a breeze & skyrocket engagement with Milestone. Build personalized, interactive tours with gamified elements & smart triggers - all without writing a line of code. Fun & effective, it's the user activation secret weapon for SaaS.
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πŸ‘‹ Hey Product Hunters!

I'm Sasha, COO & co-founder of Milestone. As a UX Designer, crafting intuitive experiences is my jam. But traditional onboarding tools? SKIPfest. (‍ Anyone else skip those "Here's the Dashboard" tooltips?)

The struggle is real: a whopping 75% of users churn because of bad or non-existent onboarding.

Milestone solves this.

We built a no-code gamification platform to make user onboarding engaging and effective.

Here's the magic: πŸ•ΉοΈ Interactive tours: Ditch passive clicking! Get users involved with gamified steps. πŸ‘₯ Super-personalization: Show the right features at the right time with advanced triggers. πŸ’» No-code builder: Build flows in minutes, no developer needed. πŸͺ„ πŸŽ‰ Virtual assistants & rewards: Keep users motivated with friendly guidance and fun rewards.

We're passionate about building a better onboarding experience. What are your pain points?

P.S. We'd love your feedback on the platform! πŸ’š

@sasha_zaiats happy to build it with you❀️ btw everyone who's asking me about the video – here's the creator haha

@ena_gluhakovic thanks a lot!

Currently, we incorporate animated GIFs to celebrate user milestones, such as completing steps or flows, with options like confetti, party poppers, and words of encouragement. We enhance engagement through interactive flows, empowering users to choose their next steps with our branching feature.

In our upcoming release, we’re developing a sophisticated rewards system where users earn points for their activity and habits on the platform. These points can be redeemed for perks like early access, trials, or discounts. We provide intuitive tools and APIs for easy implementation.

Regarding virtual assistants, we’ve begun with three protagonist avatars and are expanding their capabilities to include personalized and engaging video attachments, enriching the user experience.

@yanffernandes thanks 😊 Would love to hear the feedback about usability of the product!

As more and more people are requesting version for mobile, we probably would thing towards this direction too!

As for GIFs on landing page: we recorded platform with ScreenStudio. And then I turned them into GIF format

@ncaccia Thank you! Absolutely, tools that facilitate smooth onboarding experiences are invaluable for ensuring user engagement and satisfaction. They help users navigate through initial steps, understand the product or service better, and ultimately increase retention and usage. It's all about making the user's journey as seamless and enjoyable as possible! πŸ’ͺ🏻πŸ’ͺ🏻

Hi, Product Hunters! 😸

I'm Anastasia, CEO and co-founder of Milestone.

As a Product Marketing Manager working with B2B SaaS startups, I felt the struggle of building an effective, interactive user activation and engagement. Especially at scale.

The only way was to use generic, impersonal, hard-to-use and expensive tools:

❌ Static product tours ❌ No gamification, boring experience ❌ Personalization locked behind sales calls ❌ Need hours of developers time

We decided to fix it, and built Milestone:

Milestone – the no-code gamification platform to supercharge user onboarding, activation and engagement.

Why Milestone? βœ… Interactive & actionable tours: No more passive clicking! Get users engaged with gamified steps. βœ… Super-personalization: Advanced triggers show the right features at the right time. βœ… No-code builder: Build flows in minutes, no developer needed. πŸͺ„ βœ… Virtual assistants & rewards: Keep users motivated with friendly guidance and animated rewards.

Plus, the magic:

– Build inside your product with a Chrome extension – Hotspots to trigger flows seamlessly – Highly segmented user targeting – Sneaky conversion analytics to track progress – Fully white-labeled for seamless integration – Unlimited flows & team members – Startup-friendly pricing: get 50% off annual plan or first 3 months!

We ❀️ your feedback! What do you love about Milestone? Any additional features you’d love to add?

We'll be here all day answering questions & soaking up your feedback!

@anliamets Congrats on the launch! πŸš€

Love the list of magic that you've listed πŸ˜€

What would you say is the main reason users dismiss onboarding popups? And how do we use Milestone to address this?

@jgani haha we love magic! πŸͺ„

I'd say personalization is a key, with the right message at the right moment onboarding will be just 'unskippable' as it target the pain points user wants to solve right now.

What do you think about it?

@anliamets Congratulations! Excited for this part of your journey!

Milestone sounds like a game changer for the market. Can't wait to check it out and learn more!

@anliamets Sounds like a great hack for product tours, Anastasia and love the facts that's it no code. Congrats on the launch.

Just curious to know if this has a collab feature so that multiple teammates can work on it?

@sasha_zaiats Big congrats on the launch! I really love the idea behind this tool / others that take on the onboarding flow by adding gamification for no code folks trying to implement solutions that simply just work.

I guess the main differentiator between this and say an arcade or even Intercom's product tours would be the gamification component? I'd love to hear a little more about your differentiators for the tours!

@sasha_zaiats I also really like the introducing milestone video and site style - features / pricing / terms / privacy policy and some social links - no frills but all things that I'd be looking for.

@dzaitzow Thanks! Our main differentiators is gamification and dragging user throughout the platform. As for gamification we have branching, animations and virtual assistants. stay tuned, because we just launched this one, but are already planning something wow!!

P.S. we have almost similar surnames, lol

Hey Anastasia! Definitely I’m gonna try it out because the product we’re launching soon needs a tour like this. Thanks for helping on that and I wish you all the best here.

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