AI Ideal Customer Profile

 3 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/ai-ideal-customer-profile
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Hi, Ihor is here 👋 M1-Project is an AI-powered solution for Creating your Ideal Customer Profile:

Get to know the customer's: - Goals - Problems - Pains - and 15 more pages of insights

PLUS at least 20 places where you can find Ideal Customers: - Social media groups - Websites - Newsletters - etc.

_________ How it works: 1. Simply input your product description. 2. AI finds the audience that needs the product. 3. AI identifies places where the audience spends time. 4. You receive a ready-to-use Ideal Customer Profile.

_________ With M1: 1. Attract more clients for the same amount of money. 2. Get a ready list of places to advertise. 3. Make your advertising communication effective.

_________ Want to see real results? Check out our client's results: - +74% CTR in Linkedin Ads - 2X LinkedIn Visibility with Marketing Strategy - 30% Conversion to Paid Clients with the Right Targeting

_________ Ready to turbocharge your marketing? Check out our tool now with 20% discount promo code PHICP.

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