Semaphor - Embed fully-customizable interactive dashboards in your apps | Produc...

 3 months ago
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Embed fully-customizable interactive dashboards in your apps

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Semaphor is a fully customizable analytics package that seamlessly integrates into your web apps. It is designed with utmost flexibility to ensure it fits perfectly into your design, styling, and functional needs.
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Hello everyone!

I'm Rohit Pujari, the founder of Semaphor. We are developing a customer-facing analytics solution for SaaS companies. It allows them to easily integrate interactive insights into their products with just a few lines of code.

Problem: Nearly every SaaS company eventually faces the challenge of integrating insights into their software operations. These insights can drive user engagement, retention, and enable additional monetization opportunities. However, developing these capabilities can distract engineering teams because it requires allocating resources to build complex analytical features.

Solution: We are solving this issue by offering a fully customizable, AI-enabled analytics package. Companies can use this package to launch fully interactive dashboards within days, instead of months. They can also tailor the analytic content to align perfectly with their brand's aesthetics.

Key Features: * Lenses - End users can create personalized lenses, allowing them to alter the visuals and layout of the dashboard without changing any code. * Dashboard-as-code - You can check dashboard into Github and manage it as part of your software development lifecycle. Real-time dashboards - You can connect to a variety of sources, ranging from APIs to data warehouses. * Contextual AI - You can use natural language to generate contextual insights that are aware of your business concepts, such as monthly active users or heavily discounted products. * Deep Customization - You can bring your own styles, colors, and fonts to precisely fine tune the look and feel of the analytic content.

Check out our youtube channel for demo walkthroughs https://www.youtube.com/@semapho...

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