Theodore AI - Understand confusing topics in 3 clicks | Product Hunt

 5 months ago
source link: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/theodore-ai
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Support is great. Feedback is even better.

"Thanks for the support! Theodore AI is an MVP and I'm really curious to see if others might find value from this chrome extension in the same way I have.

Consider trying it out and if you like it, upgrade to premium for unfettered access for the entire year to any and all enhancements to come!"

The makers of Theodore AI
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Often times I find myself browsing the web for technical documentation, interesting articles, and other things that, frankly sometimes, I just don't understand.

That's where Theodore AI comes in!

Theodore is a Google Chrome extension that lets you highlight some text on a web page and it will explain it for you in simple terms using an example!

Be among the first to check out our MVP launch and begin simplifying complex topics in just 3 clicks!

This would be very helpful. I'm trying to install it. A couple of issues: 1) Where do you add the coupon? 2) When installing getting 'Could not find icon" error. Looking forward to your response so I can start using it.

Interesting idea, is there a way to "try before I buy" - in a sense, can I play around with the tool without downloading an extension? I'd love to be able to do that on your landing - maybe type in some complex text and see what Theodore AI answers, or maybe you could showcase a few examples? You kind of have that in a video, but I'd love to play around with it.

Also, it's not entirely clear when am I expected to pay - can I try it first when I download or do I have to pay imediately? If I have to pay immediately, then it's a huge barrier for me to pay for something I haven't tired yet.

I keep referring to the onboarding flow of Pi.ai - they did an excellent job, if you want some inspo!

Huge congratulations to Theodore AI on the launch! Simplifying complex topics in just a few clicks is a game-changer. Turning jargon into clear, understandable content with practical examples is a superpower. Here's to making understanding easy and accessible!

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