Service in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2402

 5 months ago
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This blog shares highlights on Service in SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition 2402.

  • Definition of Periodical Price Increase for Service Contracts
  • Customer 360-Degree View App Updated with Solution Order and Service Contract Information
  • API for Mass Updates of Service Contracts

Watch my video to get a glimpse of the new features:

Definition of Periodical Price Increase for Service Contracts

You can now define periodical price increase on service contract items. When the service contract items have auto renewals, the predefined price increases will be automatically applied to billing requests. 

Service contracts are long-term agreements with your customers. You may need to increase your prices in the future. Prices for goods or services may increase rapidly, or you offer your customers discounts for now but need to increase the price later on. 

To deal with the potential impacts of price fluctuations, your company can plan the prices of the provisioned services in advance. To do so, you can predefine prices for service contract items that are planned to be extended through automatic renewal in the future. Your customer service managers can perform this task in the Manage Service Contracts app, with no need for laborious preparation efforts in pricing master data or determination logic.

For more information, see Defining Prices for Auto Renewal.

With this feature, you benefit from reduced manual maintenance efforts through automation and mass processing for pricing updates of service contracts.

  • Define periodical price increase on service contracts
  • When creating billing request lines based on a renewal, the predefined price increase will be applied
  • Predefined future prices will be automatically taken into consideration during service contract auto-renewal process

Watch this demo to have a complete view of the feature.

Demo: Definition of Periodical Price Increase for Service Contracts
Demo: Definition of Periodical Price Increase for Service Contracts

Customer 360-Degree View App Updated with Solution Order and Service Contract Information

Solution order and service contract documents are available in the Business Documents block in the SAP Fiori app "Customer 360° View" (F2187A). This feature offers you an improved overview of customer-related processes, including sales and service.

You sales force will benefit from increased speed and efficiency with a holistic view on customer activities including solution orders and service contracts.

For more related information, see Service Orders and Service Quotations in the Customer 360° View App

Watch this demo to have a complete view of the feature.

API for Mass Updates of Service Contracts

We have enhanced the API for mass updates of service contracts.

You benefit from reduced contract maintenance efforts through automation and mass processing for contract changes.

With the API for mass updates of service contracts, you can now do the following operations:

  • Repricing: updates of billing request lines with the latest pricing information maintained in the master data
  • Payment method update

For more information, see: APIs for Service

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